Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Homeless sleep network of Old Delhi , India

the blankets of old delhi

An interesting article appeared in the NY Times about the vast private sleep network of Old Delhi India that has an estimated population of 16.3 million people. It is estimated that there are over 1000,000 homeless persons in that city. The government is only supposed to provide beds for 18,000. What do the rest of these poor souls do? A private network has developed where the homeless go to lay down in the night, renting for a few rupees a purple blanket. See article here....http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/19/world/asia/delhi-sleep-economy.html

I wonder if those blankets are ever washed? Do the homeless care if the blankets are washed? Based on my own experience, probably not. When I was in the don jail awaiting extradition to the United States, I ended up in the hell hole called the Don Jail. There were blankets too in the cell but between me and you, they were never washed. But it was so cold during the night that you did not care. You gave up cleanliness for warmth. The next time you end up in Old Delhi, don't step over those blankets. There is someone inside getting a good nights sleep. Such is life for the have nots .

How does the United States, Europe and Canada deal with homelessness? I believe that we have vast social networks. Nonetheless, I have seen homeless people on the NYC subway with all of their possessions in a cart or a bag and I have seen homeless people sleeping on heated grates in Toronto, Canada. Are they  just down and out or mentally ill? Scary, isn't it?

As a Jewish person brought up with reading the Torah and or Bible, it specifically commands us to help the poor and that is behind the concept of Tzedaka, or charity, where you do the right thing when you help your brother (fellow human) in need.   


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