Tuesday, March 22, 2016

who's who in Otisville Prison, thoughts on Eilat Lev

Eilat Lev in executive days
My thoughts on Eilat Lev are the following: He is the nicest Israeli person I met in my life. Trust me, I met many Israelis as a former immigration lawyer so I know what I am talking about.
He is soft spoken and kind. I met him when I first arrived at MDC, Brooklyn on my way to transfer to FCI Otisville back in August 2014. I met him in the newer medical unit and then we separated in different rooms till we met again the following month when we left to the camp in Otisville in September. He said he went through hell in a local jail in Kentucky. He said that he shared his newspapers with the local prisoners. The prison staff in Kentucky knew nothing about the Jewish religion. Mr. Lev is also one of the few who can hold a conversation and he is a head taller than most people. He is a walking encyclopedia with knowledge of the entire world in his head. I took many walks with him at the camp in Otisville. He volunteers peeling potatoes, celery and apples for the kosher kitchen and he acts as the waiter for the Sabbath meals to assist the Jewish community.
He shies away from the nitty gritty politics amongst the Jewish inmates, some who crave for power in the prison.

He is not a young man but he is 66 and due to come out at 72. I wish the government can let him home early to be with his wife and family. In my opinion, he is not a threat to society. He is a good man and the government should take that into consideration. He is sorely missed.

To see what I went through in federal prison, please go here....http://www.amazon.com/PRISON-expect-Federal-Bureau-Prisons-ebook/dp/B011GTWLOG

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