Friday, April 8, 2016

Pakistani Travel agent gets busted

Travel agent Junaid Mirza is accused of taking thousands of dollars from Pakistani immigrants for flights that were sometimes never purchased.
Travel Agent Junaid Mirza has one way Prison

A Pakistani travel agent out of New York was busted for taking money and not giving people their airline tickets or he was shortchanging them, only giving them one way routes and forcing them to be stranded. He did to his own people, advertising in Pakistani papers. He now faces many years in jail.

What was this guy thinking, that people are stupid and that you can rip them off? People will complain and the money you thought you will enjoy will leave you and you will not enjoy it in prison. See full story here....

So you see that stealing crosses race and religion. You can find a thief as a Jew, Christian, Hindu, Budhist and Muslim. In the end of the day, crime does not pay.

And maybe if he is lucky he can get some travel books in prison so he can keep up with his profession.

To read my prison story go here...

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