Monday, April 4, 2016

Why is the Tallis like a bar code ?

Tallis or Prayer Shawl

Did you ever wonder why a tallis looks like a bar code? I googled online and of course, lubavitch has an answer. See here...

They quote the Zohar that says the white represents Divine mercy and black represents Divine judgment.

They also mention that the black and white represents the time when we can distinguish the colors which is a sign when we have to say Shema Yisrael (Hear, O Israel).

Is the Tallis (Talis, Tales, Tallit) a special code to God?

I have found allusions on the above based on Gematria and skip code. The most opportune time to pray is at daybreak, or Alos Hashachar. See Genesis 32:25 in the battle between the angel and Jacob. The commentators say that the angel requested to be released so that he can pray.  The Gematria of this term (Alos Haschachar) is 1019 which is also Talis (449) Tefilin (570) .

I also noticed something interesting in the section where it talks about tsitsis or fringes. It says canfei bigdeihem, translated as corners of their garment. A canaf is also a wing, like a wing of a bird. Perhaps we represent a bird that has black and white feathers. The nation of Israel is compared to a dove. Moreover, the gematria of black/shachor (514) and white/lavan (82) equals exactly Jerusalem (596). Perhaps our Talis reminds us of the city of black and white, the city where the word of G-d comes from, the foundation of the world's religion. Black and white represents the written word, black ink on white parchment.

Tsitsis or fringes

If you notice on the garments of Jewish people, you see tsitsis, or fringes, which is a Biblical commandment that we wear them. In my opinion, the opportune time to wear them is during prayer since you will find the words tefilas and tefila (prayers/prayer) encoded over the word tsitsis....
I personally wear them day and night and I wear them outside as I had a dream about it where I saw three men with white top and bottoms, long white beards with their tsistis hanging out. It was a very strong lucid dream.

It says, venasnu al tsitsis hacanaf pesil techeiles. See Numbers 15:39. From the word tsitsis through techeleis, the last letters of the 4 word phrase spells the word tefilas or prayers. If we take the phrase,
hacanaf pesil techeiles and then connect to the next sentence (15:40) ...Vehaya, the last letters rearranged spells tefilah or prayer. Hence, I found a direct link between tsitsis and prayer.

If you want to read more of my code studies and interpretations of the Holy Bible,please go here...

I also write a weekly discourse under Word of God....   and as always, thanks for stopping by....

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