Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Teacher arrested last week is not charged

PHOTO: Nooshafarin Ravaghi, a 44-year-old teacher at the Orange County Central Mens Jail, was arrested for allegedly helping three inmates escape.
teacher not charged, courtesy ABC News 

According to ABC news online, the jail teacher,Nooshafarin Ravaghi will not be charged  in the California Jail breakout case as there is insufficient evidence at present time.  See story here...http://abcnews.go.com/US/teacher-charged-california-prison-escape/story?id=36603609

VIDEO: California Fugitives Still on the Run, Considered Dangerous
Three escapees,Tieu, Nayeri and Duong were captured, courtesy ABC News
Fortunately, all three escapees are back in custody, without any major incident.

When I was in prison, I met several individuals who tried to escape from Federal custody and they received additional jail time. Marty Kalchstein, got additional time.Kalchstein said he owned a restaurant in Florida in the past. See story here...http://www.panama-guide.com/article.php/20060602144254603

Martin Kalchstein
photo of Martin Kalchstein, courtesy www.mugshots.com

He teaches esl classes in FCI Fort Dix. Mr. Kalchstein ran a sweepstakes scam from Costa Rica. Mr. Kalchstein comes across such an intelligent individual, the few that could carry on a conversation and it is hard to believe he was scamming people.  

Matthew Rubin, another intelligent individual who can hold a conversation, also got additional time for fleeing justice. Rubin was extradited from Mexico and got an additional 30 months, totaling a 78 months prison sentence.  See his story here...http://www.justice.gov/usao-cdca/pr/longtime-fugitive-who-ran-telemarketing-fraud-scheme-cost-victims-over-16-million

To see my story, go here....http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B011GTWLOG

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