Tuesday, February 2, 2016

10 Charged with medicare fraud in California

Image result for medicare fraud
medicare fraud case out of California

10 persons were charged by the US Attorney out of Los Angeles California for billing medicaire for physical therapy that was basically never rendered. In simple words, the crooks stole from the lions mouth and the lion has bitten them back. To see story, go here..http://www.justice.gov/usao-cdca/pr/10-charged-relation-15-million-scheme-defraud-medicare-billing-physical-therapy

The names of the indicted are all Asian in nature. They stole approximately 15 million dollars from the US Government and now they will pay back with either prison and or probation.
There were also illegal kickbacks and referrals.

In cases like this, some will plead guilty and others will testify against the other if anyone elects to go trial. If they go to trial and lose, they will get hammered.

The time each defendants spends in prison will be based on sentencing guideline amongst other factors as well, including cooperation and if they were first time offenders. There will be no happy ending in this story. All will suffer the wrath of the US Govt.

I went through the same hell of Federal Prison for committing a white collar crime. To see what they can expect, go here, Prison, What to Expect....http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B011GTWLOG


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