Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Seven Arrested for ATM Skimming, Counterfeit and Stolen Credit Cards

Image result for stolen credit card
credit card thieves

According to the US Attorney's office, 7 persons were arrested and charged today for stealing credit
cards using skimming machines and making counterfeit credit cards from the stolen numbers. To read the source of my blog, go here.....http://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/seven-charged-manhattan-federal-court-crimes-related-atm-skimming-and-counterfeit-and

The thieves have all Eastern European, Albanian and Romanian sounding names including

What were these thieves thinking that they can keep stealing people's credit cards and never get caught?

I met some of these crooks in FCI Fort Dix, Romanian fellows, who got like 7 year sentences for the same kind of crime.   

People need to be vigilant with credit cards as unfortunately, this kind of thievery is all too common by sophisticated crooks. If the government does not catch them today, they will catch up to them tomorrow and they will pay a heavy price for their crime including jail time and fines. 

To protect yourself against identity theft, read my tips at.....http://www.amazon.com/Dont-victim-Identity-Theft-Fraud-ebook/dp/B014LRVBBE

To read my prison story, go here....http://www.amazon.com/PRISON-expect-Federal-Bureau-Prisons-ebook/dp/B011GTWLOG


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