Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Dreyfuss plays Madoff on ABC mini series

Richard Dreyfuss as Bernie Madoff

According to, Richard Dreyfuss is starring in the mini series on ABC in the role of Bernie Madoff and the show will be called Madoff. See article here...

Dreyfuss says his most despicable character was playing Cheney and he calls Madoff a sociopath.
I say everyone who invested in Madoff are part of his story as they are guilty of human greed.
Without greed, he would not have pulled off such a massive fraud that all were blinded to.
Hollywood will now make a fortune off  Madoff's life that has ended in his tragedy. At the end of the day, all the money he made is gone, he lost a son and he is jailed for the rest of his life.  Is that just?
Bernard L. Madoff serving 150 year prison sentence

Dreyfuss says Madoff collected 50 billion to fund his own lifestyle. In my opinion,  Madoff paid dearly for his crime as he got a life sentence and he lost his son to a suicide. As noted below, Madoff's release date is 2139.
release date of 2139

The only way Madoff does not come out of prison in a box if he gets a presidential pardon.

I am no stranger to federal prison as I sat 1316 days in seven institutions. It is pure punishment, pure hell and I don't wish this on my enemies. I just pray that the country loosens the reigns on non violent, non threatening criminals so inmates can reunite with their families and get a second chance as we are only human.

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