Monday, May 23, 2016

Can the Bible Predict the Future ?

Many people wonder if the Bible predicts the future. The Ramban, a Biblical scholar that lived approximately 1000 years ago, emphatically says yes.

The Bible says that in the enddays, the children of Israel will return to the land of Israel. We see that prophecy come true. The Bible says that bad things will happen in the end days. We see that come true as well in the form of constant terrorisim and "natural disasters" that affect many people.

What about our personal lives? Does it say anything about it? The Ramban says that every human being can be found in Deuteronomy 32. Being in prison, I had time on my side so I looked for my initials of my four letter Hebrew name and not only found it , but I found amazing details that are 100 percent proof that the Bible predicts the future. And if you believe in the Bible, it should since we believe that G-d wrote it and G-d knows everything, at least according to the Rambam (Maimonides).

So now that you have read my brief introduction, you can read about the nitty gritty details that is proof that the Bible predicts future events ,down to the last day....

You can read it here....

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