Tuesday, October 3, 2017

my thoughts on those killed in Las Vegas on Oct 1, 2017

Las Vegas catastrophe, courtesy google images



this was the day after yom kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar when the judgment is sealed. the prayers say who will die at their destined time and who will die not at their destined time. Obviously, each and everyone of those persons whose lives were cut short were not at their destined time. This is one of the mysteries of life. The "why" we will never know. From the stories of family members of the victims, each one of the victims was a shining light on the world. Let us always remember them for good and mark the day, October 1, in the calendar as a day of rememberance and introspection.

My mother's life was also cut short when she was killed when I was only 14 years old. I always remember her as a shining light on the world.

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