Saturday, November 19, 2016

The women who bore Messiah

Rabbi Bernstein writes that the three women who are the ancestors of King David and the future Messiah are the  daughter of Lot, Rus and Tamar, and they connect to pirkei avos where it says jealousy, desire and honor take a person out of this world and the three women countered it so I said let me add them up and see what comes up and I found my own dvar Torah .

I came up with my own interesting finding , the  3 women who brought us moshiach are bnos lot =503, Tamar=640 and Rus=606, I added them up with Gematria  and it came to 1749, which equals psalm 32:8, which says educate , refers to daughter of lot, she educated her sister in the ways of the world , instruct , refers to Naomi who gave instructions to Rus on how to behave with Boaz, and advise with the eyes is what Tamar told Yehuda when she said hacer nah, identify these items and then you know who the father is .

Educate, instruct and advise are three terms in the passuk that I extrapolated as referring to the women who bring us the moshiach.

To read more of my findings relating to life and the bible, go here.
Code of the Heart: Gematria as a Bible Decoder (Bible Code Series Book 3) by [David, Earl, Langner, David]

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