Sunday, January 29, 2017

George Orwell de javu 2017

Earl David

 New York 

I was a former immigration lawyer who ended up in Federal Prison for 44 months for helping immigrants legalize themselves. The problem was that I broke the law. But as a human being , I detest what Trump is doing. The worst thing you can do to a human being is to hold him/her against their will. The world is a small place with the advent of technology. You cannot punish millions of people for the action of a few. This is the same feeble minded action of bureaucrats that I saw in Federal Prison, where if one person whistled at a female secretary, the whole building of 400 men lost microwave privileges. Same here, the actions of a few radicals has led to the barring of entire nations from entering the USA. Moreover, the building of the wall can lead to our citizens of being imprisoned, like George Orwell predicted in 1984. We must stand up to the ugly face of tyranny and bigotry, because, like a cancer, if you dont uproot it, it only spreads.

Post script. This was posted at New York times on 1./30/17

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