Thursday, June 23, 2016

Complainers and Cravers

Reichberg coming out of Federal Court, courtesy NY Times 

We all heard the news about Jeremiah Reichberg getting arrested with high ranking police officials for bribery and corruption. But how did it all begin? Did it start with a simple handshake? See story in NY Times about it as well...

Where did this craving come from? We learn from Parshas Beha'aloscha that G-d despises complainers and cravers as noted in a book by Dr. Michael Bernstein, Windows to the Soul. I think for Mr. Reichberg, he had a tremendous lust and craving for power and this was his downfall. After being handcuffed, he will forever regret his actions that got him into trouble.  

Prison is a very humbling experience but it is too early to tell his fate. If he cuts a deal with the feds and takes down bigger fish, then he may get probation. The story says that he and his cronies gave up to $100,000 in gifts to police officials. In fed money, that is not a lot on the sentencing guideline, perhaps between probation and two years. If he does not cooperate, takes it to trial and loses , then he will get hammered.

I learned from my story that the feds don't play. For my story, it all began with a request to get people sponsors. I had the best intentions as a lawyer to always help people. The problem is that when you cross the line, there may be no turning back. In the end of the day, I was good at writing letters and using sponsors and accountants to get immigration approvals and the money came in like a waterfall. When I got busted, I was in for a reality check as the money dried up like  a drought.

To read my story, go here...

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