Monday, March 14, 2016

NJ Doctor nets 37 months prison sentence

Dr. Albert Aldes
for healthcare fraud for billing medicaire for non existent visits, altered medical charts as if the patient appeared etc.... See story here.. He will lose his medical license for stealing 280,000.00 from the government piggy bank.

In prison, the most he can do is take out the garbage or clean the windows. If he has any carpentry experience, he can work at facilities. All this and more for 10 cents an hour. Remember, crime does not pay.

Hopefully, the time he gets out of prison he will have a second chance at life.

To see what prison is all about, you can read my story. I was a former immigration lawyer reduced to taking out the garbage and cleaning tables at Otisville. Before that, I was privileged to work cleaning the grounds at FCI Fort Dix. Here is my prison case here...

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