Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The number of the universe

If you would have to give a number to the universe, what would it be? Based on my research in numerology and Gematria, I would definitely say it is 5064.

How can I say that? Based on my finding in the book, Sefer Yetzirah, or the book of creation.
There is a  phrase that lists the 12 constellations of our universe. I added them up and it came to 5064.

What I was more shocked and surprised as to what else was 5064. In the rules of gematria, when two phrases have the same number, there is a meaningful relationship. 5064 is also the number of the 19 persons named in Genesis, including the patriarchs, the matriarchs and the 12 sons of Jacob. Is this is a mere coincidence? I don't think so.

To see more of my findings about the Bible, go here....https://www.amazon.com/Code-Heart-Gematria-Bible-Decoder-ebook/dp/B012LM98XO

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