Sunday, January 24, 2016

Murder over Marijuana

Image result for marijuana
Marijuana plant
I found a story in the US Attorney, NY website where it says a man is facing life for killing someone over marijuana. See attached story

Basically, the marijuana dealer, Mr. Grecco, used to sell his "pot" to Mr. Ennis. The supply turned "south", meaning the business collapsed so Mr. Grecco decided to come up with a scheme to still get money from Mr. Ennis, but in this case, it would be done violently. Mr. Grecco made believe he was coming to sell marijuana to Mr. Ennis but his bag of merchandise was not stuffed with marijuana, but with linen. He robbed Mr. Ennis of $8900.00 and killed him. Mr. Grecco is now facing life in Federal Prison, all for a mere $8900.00.

Was it worth Mr. Grecco? To take a human life just over money? The story makes no sense but this story goes back all the way to Kain and Hevel, the first murder between a farmer and a herdsman, between two brothers. There was no Federal Prison when Kain committed his horrible act so instead, God put a mark on his head and eventually he was killed by an arrow by Lemech, who thought Kain was an animal in the field.

As I was in federal prison as well, but not for violence, I did come across violent people on my prison ride through hell. I document my prison experience at I have an additional 7 volumes explaining and showing what to expect from pre trial to post trial.

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