Sunday, January 31, 2016

Stolen Identity Refund Fraud (SIRF) scheme uncovered

Image result for fake 1040 form
sample tax form filled out by fraudsters

According to the US Attorney's office at Newark, NJ , a man from the Bronx,  Isaias Hernandez, admitted stealing $342,590 from tax refund checks.  See full story here....

According to the article, the crooks steal people's social security and dates of birth and file fraudulent 1040 forms with the IRS, making sure to put fake information down like falsified earnings, deductions etc. so that they would get a refund. A huge part of this fraud stems out of Puerto Rico.
The U.S. government loses annually 2 billion dollars over this type of fraud, so you can see there is an incentive to put a stop to it and to punish the perpetrators.

Mr. Hernandez faces up to 10 years in prison plus "a fine of the greater of $250,000, twice the gross amount of any pecuniary gain that any persons derived from the offense; or twice the gross amount of any pecuniary loss sustained by any victims of the offense".

Mr. Hernandez used the stolen money to support his life style. Definitely not an honest way to make a living. When he is in jail, because that is where he is heading to, he will have plenty of time to read the Bible. It says in Jeremiah 17:11, when you make money dishonestly, you will lose it in half of your life and in the end be proved a fool. Also, he will read Koheles (Ecclesiastes) 8:11, where it says in a nutshell  that the sinner commits a sin many times since the wheels of justice turn slowly and he gets a false sense of being emboldened. You cannot outsmart the feds.

When in jail, or perhaps awaiting sentencing, he will regret his criminal actions.

How do I know this? Since I went the same route as an immigration lawyer, blinded by the bribery of the money.

To read what he can expect in Federal Prison, go here.....
This is a true crime story based on white collar crime.

I have a total of 8 volumes of reading, covering pre trial to post trial.

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