Thursday, January 7, 2016

Powerball up to 700 million dollars

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Powerball fever frenzy

Powerball fever is now rocking the nation as it has it 700 million dollars since there was no winner since November. The payout after taxes with a single winner is 428 million , as reported on CBS News.

So what would you do if you woke up 428 million dollars richer?

For me, I would try to protect my privacy. When I was making money as an immigration lawyer many moons ago, my phone was ringing and door was banging with shnorers (people looking for handouts), like seagulls flocking to breadcrumbs on the beach sand. Foolish me did not let anyone leave empty handed. When I landed in jail, they all disappeared from my life like I had leprosy.
So the lesson is well learned. I will always give charity but I will be more discriminating, whether I win a lottery or not.


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