Thursday, January 7, 2016

Fugitive Prayer

Michael Wex,unorthodox Jew

Shaarei Tzedek or Russian Shul where I lead services
Attached is an article written about me by Mr. Michael Wex, who comes to shul once a year. I call him a yom kippur Jew. He writes about me as if he know me, but trust me, he does not know me.

Below is a response to the article

Mr. Wex,

I only came across your vicious letter in tablet magazine re avrohom David today. 

You might consider yourself very wise and literate individual but that does not equate with your inflated view of your own ethics. 

As a respected member of my own congregation, I would have considered it an honor to have had him lead in the services of our fellow congregants. 

Mr. David has probably done more for his fellow Jews than you have done or ever will do. 

I know this on a personal level. 

I was not aware that you were privy to all the evidentiary materials that were the crux of the case against him. 

You are a Canadian and far be it for you to laud the American justice system that has iincarcerated Jonathan pollard for 30 years in a gross miscarriage of justice or sentenced mr rubashkin to 27 years for a white collar crime. 

May you fall into the clutches of this kind of "Justice" system. 

Furthermore, nowhere in the Jewish code of Justice is there any mention or allusion  of incarceration as a punishment for this kind of white collar crime. Surely a Jew as wise as you are aware of this. 

You display a lack of mercy and compassion to have expressed with such vehemence and self righteousness such utter insensitivity toward  any human being during a time of such  distress. I don't believe the alleged crime was committed against you. 

Your ad hominem insults regarding his singing and intellectual pursuits are beneath contempt. 

We beseech on the Yom Kippur you so glibly talk about for forgiveness and compassion from our Creator. Perhaps you ought to  remember this on the next Yom Kippur You request this from Him. 

Don't expect this from Him when you do not wish to grant this to others.  


S Flam

God hears the prayers of a broken man. This story has made me a broken man so God give me strength to move on with life.
To read my story in prison, go here

lower bunk that I slept in (similar) for 15 months at MCC New York hell hole


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Earl led prayers at the synagogue where Wex prayed. When Wex found out about Earl's legal problems, Wex wrote, "the aspirations and regrets of an entire congregation were borne up to heaven on the wings of his maddeningly enthusiastic and utterly tone-deaf yawp." Wex repeated the allegations against Earl as stated in the US Attorney's press release. Wex took this as gospel truth. Wex did not seek to hear Earl's side of the story. Wex article takes on a self-righteous tone. Who is Wex to judge Earl? Would it bother Wex to learn that the indictment rate for Jews is almost twice that for other Whites? Are Jews unfairly targeted by the Feds? Or are Jews born with a criminal mind? Blacks also get targeted with an incarceration rate six times higher than Whites. For every Black drug dealer that gets busted there are 50 White illegal drug users who get away. For every Jewish white collar indictment there are many more non-Jews doing the same thing who get away. I can back this up with statistics. Check out my web site, Full disclosure: I was locked up with Earl in Federal prison. When I was locked up with Earl many guys argued over who should lead prayers. Who is the most qualified Jew to lead davening? I researched what the rabbis had to say about this subject. The rabbis said that if the shul turned away sinners, the shul would be empty. The reason we go to shul is to ask Gd to forgive us. We all sin. Except for guys like Wex!
