Thursday, January 7, 2016

Chicago Lubavitch Rabbi gets 8 years for sex assault with minor, my thoughts....

Rabbi Dudovitz

A lubavitch rabbi from Chicago netted 8 years jail term for a sexual assault with a minor.
So reported the Chicago newspaper. See attached story,

Torah law calls male on male sex , to'eivah, the worst form of depravity. I still pray for his safety as jail is a potential death sentence.

I am no stranger to  jail and or prison as I sat 1316 days in seven institutions, some more dangerous than the next. I witnessed fist fights, blood shed and there was a murder while I was at FCI Fort Dix.
Over what??? Over a seat to watch television. That is how vain human beings are. A black man was murdered over a television spot. Actually, the black man started the fight and the little white boy was a professional boxer so after a few shots by the white boy, the black man was history.  The black man was no angel. He was in jail for allegedly kidnapping minors for sex. He used to tell people he was in jail for drugs. People make up all kinds of stories. Difficult to verify things behind bars.

At Fort Dix, the sexual offenders, known as chomos, were occassionally attacked with locks in a sock. There were also frum sexual offenders there as well. They used to pick on me about my davening methods, like repeating words of a prayer when I lead services. Trust me, God is not offended when I repeat a word or two, I do it to make a beautiful melody. There were women at Shaarei Tzedek who used to love my singing and prayer style.

There has to be a safer way to house sexual offenders. Maybe the government should house all sexual offenders in a separate facility. Otherwise, they have a high chance of being killed or severely wounded in prison. This is my two cents worth of advice.

To read my story, go to...


1 comment:

  1. hopefully, this not lashon hara but only will good will come out of this story.
