Friday, January 8, 2016

Identity Theft Impersonator arrested again

Jeremy Wilson, career white collar thief

 A story appeared in the New York Tines on January 6, 2016 about a criminal named Jeremy Wilson who has been a life time con , sitting in numerous jails for forgery and identity theft and who was arrested again for leasing an SUV based on a forged check. He just came out of Federal prison where he sat for six years on a similar crime. This guy just does not get it. See attached story,

It is interesting to note that this creep reminded me of another white collar career criminal by the name of John K. Leighnor, who is serving time in FCI Fort Dix. The guy has the same look as Mr. Wilson, tall, bald, small beard, lanky with beady eyes. This individual was so brazen that he escaped from a Federal Prison by bribing a guard and was twice extradited from Germany. This guy always spooked me as a man with a very dark past. While in jail for another matter, he got indicted again for stealing from holocaust victims. See linked story

See also attached link from

What spooked me about this guy is how he is telling me how he purchased a gun with a silencer in Switzerland and came back by train to Germany and then shot someone. He said he then went on trial for that crime and was found not guilty.

See attached article about him in,_Petersburg

I found another article about him in google news from Kansas, where he said he was from.,1809212&hl=en

Another article appeared here

He was even concocting more criminal and devious behavior in the Fort Dix prison regarding Martin (Marty) Frankel), a well known white collar criminal who allegedly hoodwinked the Vatican with his massive insurance scams. There is a book written about him called , "Thief", that was circulating in Fort Dix and that was also available in the prison library. The book mentioned that when the feds were closing in on him, he fled to Germany with 10 million dollars worth of diamonds that seemed to vanish. Leighnor had a file in German on Frankel and he said that when he comes out , he will look for the missing diamonds, and of course, as impersonating Martin Frankel, as Leighnor is also fluent in German.  

Don't get me wrong, John K. Leighnor is a brilliant individual. He is one of the few in jail that could hold a conversation. He is listed as Jewish and he was always concerned if Amos Sar, a heavy set Yemenite Israeli convicted sex offender, made any comments about his Jewishness. I always said no as to avoid confrontation or from him attacking Sar. The truth was that Amos told me for sure Leighnor was not Jewish and he also urged me to keep my mouth shut while I was in jail. Now that I am out, a lot of my unpleasant memories are coming out. I could only hope that Mr. Leighnor gives up his life of crime but I don't think that is a reality. I also pray for him as he has skin cancer.

To read more of what prison is like, see

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