Thursday, January 7, 2016

Yosef Kolko loses his appeal

Yosef Kolko 

Asbury Park Press reports that Yosef Kolko, formerly of Lakewood, NJ,  lost his appeal in that he was coerced to make a guilty plea and must continue to serve his 15 year sentence and the earliest parole release date is 2026. See full story here...

He is incarcerated at South Woods State Prison in Bridgeton, NJ. See photo below
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  Jail is a very dangerous place, let alone for white collar inmates and surely for sex offenders, known as chomos (child molesters). I am no stranger to the danger of jail as I witnessed it first hand in seven institutions. Even in the posh club Fed, known as Otisville, inmates were verbally threatened and physically assaulted. Listen, when I was a little kid and my father was driving us to Canada, we would pass by a New York State prison surrounded by barbed wire and I said to myself I would never end up in one of those places. And I did. So better prepare yourself because as King Solomon says in Proverbs, "You don't know what tomorrow will bring."

To read my story, go to

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