Saturday, January 9, 2016

Man gets five years for selling land by the lake that was not his

Shuswap Lake, British Columbia, Canada

Joshua Douglas Johnston, 36, netted five years in the slammer in Canada for selling non existent real estate by the lake. To read the full story, go here

He thought he was smart by having the money move through 42 bank accounts but his fraud fell apart like a house of cards or a sand castle. 

People need to wisen  up and learn that if you make money dishonestly, you will lose it. It is stated so at Jeremiah 17:11, where it says, if you make money without honesty, you will lose it in half of your life and in the end you will be proved a fool.

How did I know about that phrase? Well, I was a fool myself by applying for green cards on behalf of immigrants with non existent job offers that netted me a five year prison sentence. So for the rest of my life,so help me God, I will blog and tell the world how wrong it is to do frauds and other scams to get people's money because at the end of the day, the only thing you will be holding in your hand is the food tray given to you by prison staff.

So how can I write about a Canadian prison story? Do I know anything about the Canadian prison system? Yes. I was in two jails in Canada on my extradition to the United States and Canadian jails are not walks in the park.

To read my story go to

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