Monday, February 22, 2016

Kalamazoo Killer

Accused mass killer Jason Dalton appeared in court Monday.
Jason Dalton, facing life in prison for mass murder

An uber driver went on a mass killing spree this weekend, killing 6 persons and wounding others in what apparently was random targets. See story here...

What made this person snap? People who knew the killer said he was easy going, and he was working for progressive insurance. So what went wrong? The killer was not killed or did not kill himself so truth may come out in the future.

How can you tell if someone is going to snap? How can we stop such senseless killings? Will stricter gun laws make a difference?

Hopefully, in the near future, truth will come out. It won't bring back the lives of the people that were taken away, but perhaps some how a lesson can be learned where we can save lives in the future.

I am no stranger to prison as I myself sat for 1316 days and I did sit with dangerous persons and killers too, especially awaiting extradition from Toronto. Although I was white collar, they throw everyone in the mix. In Toronto, I noticed at least one person who said he was there for manslaughter, a guy named, Casey, had an explosive temper. That perhaps was a clue in his life. For Mr. Dalton, perhaps in time he will reveal why he did what he did. In the meantime, six families are suffering the loss of their loved ones.

To see my story go here...


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