Thursday, February 25, 2016

Sophisticated Ukranian American thief

Image result for Alpharetta, Georgia,
Alpharetta, Georgia

A man residing in Alpharetta, Georgia, United States, Arkadiy Dubovoy, plead guilty as part of a conspiracy of  Ukranian hackers who stole 150,000 press releases from 3 major newswire companies so they were able to trade with the stolen information. They made 30 million dollars of this scheme. They tried to rip off the establishment but the government has bitten them back. See story here...

They say nature abhors a vacuum and I say humans abhor fraud. Better do honest work and you won't lose it. See Psalm 15. What these guys did was fall into Jeremiah 17:11, where it says, if you make money dishonestly, you will lose it and be proved a fool.

The article does not say how the investigation started, whether it was a random audit of the stock market trading, whether there was an inside snitch. We may never know unless one of the insiders writes a book about it.  

There are no shortage of  Russians/Ukranians in Federal prison. Most are there for some kind of theft. I met a lot of them in my journey through the system. Most of them stick together in jail.

How much time will he get? The fact that he plead guilty should reduce his time. Everything is based on a scale or guideline as per how much money he actually pocketed.

He will trade his luxurious life style to a life of spartan living and he will make 10 cents an hour, whether peeling potatoes or taking out the garbage. There are no sophisticated jobs in jail.

In my fraud case, they say I made between 1 and 2.5 million so I got 5 years.

What can he expect in Federal Prison? I wrote Prison, What to Expect...

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